What is Your Breaking Point?

The biggest thing I notice in too many people is that they are easy to start something, but reluctant to pursue. This applies to anything you do in life. Whatever it is, you need to follow through. We will all come to a point where we want to back off, not pursue something any longer. I’ve learned that success is just beyond your breaking point. What is your breaking point? Well let’s first identify that each person is different and that we will see different breaking points in our life. On one side of the spectrum there are those who will do whatever it takes. Contrary to that, there are those that will stop at the first sign of a challenge. Things will get tough, there is no denying that, but each person, whether they believe it, or not, is bigger than their problems. A problem is something that you do not want to tackle, or is something that you seem to dwell on, or do not want to do, where as a challenge is a problem that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get it done. All it really is is a different mindset, yet so many people look at a problem and don’t see a challenge, they just see a problem.

In the midst of all your challenges there will be points where you will question your direction, but remember that success is right beyond your breaking point. So is it possible to have multiple breaking points? Yes. Sometimes you will push through a challenge and at that point realize that you will have to take a different approach. Make your decision quickly and do not dwell. Taking a different approach is simply the next solution to the challenge at that point in time. For most they will barely make it through one challenge and when they have to go with a different approach, they will not continue. That is there breaking point. Those who are willing to go through as many breaking points as they can and do whatever it takes will be the most successful. If there is a way they will find it and trust me folks, nothing is ever final, there is always a way. Success is built on these breaking points. You may have hit a couple already, but do not let that stray you away from your ultimate goal. Albert Einstein found a thousand different ways to not invent the lightbulb. So Mr. Einstein went through many breaking points before he reached his goal. Remember that everything that is here in front of you: your computer, your iPad, your phone, whatever; They were all the success of many breaking points.

So what happens when you have accomplished what you want, what should you do then? Keep moving forward and take immediate action. Could you imagine if Apple stopped producing after their first computer? Or what if Nike stopped making shoes after the success of the first one? Well, good thing they didn’t because both are very important to the market that they serve. The point is that you keep going and as Winston Churchill said, “Never, never, never give up.” Once you do, you will know your breaking point. Don’t reach your breaking point and stop. Successful people have thousands of them, yet it’s what they do when they reach them that determines their ultimate success. Keep going my friends. Life is easy, it’s people that make it hard. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Success is beyond your breaking point.


What Does Experience Mean?

One thing I have learned about experience is that it is not immediate. It definitely takes time to build up a credible reputation, but time invested does not necessarily mean experience built. From what I have learned, there are many ways to build experience and for each individual, it will be different. Getting a job does not mean you have gained valuable experience unless you actually apply that which you are doing. More importantly, those that actually enjoy what they do, seem to have a better experience and thus their  ability to apply that which they know goes farther.Experience can come quick and quite frankly your ability to make quick decisions is a critical factor in the experience gaining process. We all have had things happen to us that we thought we couldn’t control, right? Well our lack of control was strictly based off of a decision to accept that situation as is, but the main point is that your ability to gain experience in situations that you feel you have lack of control in, is a reflection of your lack of self-control. You see, when situations happen to us that are out of our control, it is our ability at that time to take personal control of the situation. You will not be able to change what others will do, but you have the choice on what you can do about the situation. Those that are able to take personal control of the situations where the have limited control will gain the most experience because more often than not, they have to make the conscious decision to step outside their comfort zone and act in spite of limited control. So in essence, experience is made in the moment you choose to take personal control.


Thanks for checking out my blog…This is the first post of many. Just a little bit about me. My name is Justin Howard and I live out in the great state of Colorado. Even though I was born and raised here in Colorado, I have been a  Red Wings fan since I was 9. Go Wings! I grew up in Littleton, CO and moved to the Northern part of the state for school. Five years later, I graduated with a Bachelors in Marketing and Economics. Since my departure from school I have been building my marketing company, XSM. Make sure to check it out at http://www.connecttotheworld.com. I also invest in real estate (both commercial and residential). I am living the dream and enjoying every day. Please stay up to date with my blog and continue to come back to see what projects I am working on…Let’s go make it happen